Thursday, 22 October 2009

Dear Internet

You are far too disorganised to be called "the inter-net". You should be called "the fragment-dump" or "the detritus-pile".

If you recognise this and wish to change your ways to become more collaborative and integrated, please implement the concepts illustrated by Charles Bloom in his article on The Network of Trust and by Sylvain Poirier in his article on Infoliberalism.

I may add my own conception, seeking to reconcile these two, at a later time.


kuperov said...

It seems like the maths behind the WoT has been worked out long ago. But as with its cryptographic little brother, getting the ball rolling seems to be the big problem.

I wonder if the most effective solution would be to piggy-back an existing network, like one of the big social networks?

Adam Harper said...

The trouble with piggy-backing is that you are then dependent on a commercial system which is entirely against the spitit. On the onther hand, it may help get the ball rolling, as you put it.

But actually I think the getting the ball rolling problem is because people are trying to build something too big. What is needed is something small and simple that gathers size and complexity like a snowball.

Let's look at it another way, we are having this discussion, so the ball is already rolling. What we want is for it to roll faster. We want more people decidated to it's further manifestation. More connections between the right people.

Anonymous said...

Should I understand this? Because i'm not really sure that I do...

Adam Harper said...

If you don't understand, then that is quite understandable. I haven't exactly spelled it out. Most of the context is assumed - there's no introduction.

If you really want to understand, then ask simple questions and I will seek to answer them.