Saturday, 8 May 2010

I met up with a normal person the other day and found myself talking about this project. It upset her so much that she said "I think your idea is stupid", and then stormed out of the cafe. She followed this up with a text message saying "Please don't ever contact me again. I refuse to associate with someone who believes that the victim should be punished."

My analysis of what was upsetting her is as follows:

The trust network system organically identifies faults/mistakes and fixes them one way or another. She was upset by the idea of the person who makes the mistake (declaring that a person not worthy of trust can be trusted) paying for it.
It was a good experience. I now understand why the system doesn't exist already. Average consciousness prefers authority based systems. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own mistakes. I, and the others for whom this system is intended, would gladly pay for the privilege of discovering my/our mistake. Apparently I/we am/are a minority.

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